LAPPL Podcast
This is the official podcast for the Los Angeles Police Protective League. The LAPPL Podcast is a way to enhance communication and educate on various topics and discuss current issues. Guests will be invited to speak in relation to their realm of expertise and position. Topics will include Department policy and procedure, politics, legal concerns and other subjects of interest.
5 episodes
Episode 5: Deputy Chief Don Graham
Deputy Chief Don Graham discusses Policing on the LA Metro System and Traffic Enforcement/Pursuits
Season 1
Episode 5
Episode 4: Deputy Chief Alan Hamilton
This episode features guest Alan Hamilton, who is a deputy chief for the LAPD. The topic discussed in this episode is on Leadership within the LAPD.
Season 1
Episode 4
Episode 3: Financial Advisor Brad Barrett
This episode features guest Brad Barrett, who is a financial advisor. This episode will cover officer financial wellness.
Season 2
Episode 1